Green recruiting: More than a trend?

In the course of the socio-ecological transformation, not only the way we do business is changing. People's values and priorities are also changing towards sustainability – and with them the mindset of candidates in the skilled labour market. An increasing amount of headhunters and companies are responding to this, ideally on two different levels.   

Awareness of environmental and climate protection has been rising steadily for years. This fact is nothing new, some companies often perceive it as a new challenge in their search for talent. Indeed, the younger generation of workers in particular values a sustainable lifestyle and a more environmentally friendly way of doing business. Companies that take climate and environmental protection seriously as part of their employer branding strategy enjoy clear advantages in recruiting with this target group. All the more so when the application process is also given more than just a green coating. Headhunters can provide valuable assistance to companies at both levels.

Communication of sustainability measures

Professional headhunters will advise their clients to consider sustainability in their application processes. For example, as part of a comprehensive CSR strategy for a sustainable business orientation. At the very least, however, by aggressively communicating in-house efforts in the area of climate and environmental protection during the headhunting process.

A study by the VOEB (Association of Austrian Waste Management Companies), for example, proves how much this could pay off. It shows that more and more young people are interested in green jobs. The figure is 42% among 26- to 30-year-olds and as high as 60% among 14- to 18-year-olds. For Gen Z in particular, working for a sustainable company is especially important. The interest of young talent, in particular, suggests that green recruiting is more than just a trend. 

Green application process

Of course, a sustainable headhunting process can also additionally strengthen the employer brand. Specifically, when green factors are consistently taken into account along the employee journey. This includes, for example, dispensing with paper application documents, which is already the case in nine out of ten companies according to a Bitkom survey. Even if not always for environmental reasons. Another green headhunting measure is the digital job interview. This eliminates the need for long and expensive travel, reducing the candidates’ carbon footprint. In fact, a survey by the recruiting platform Softgarden supports the willingness of 89 percent of respondents to conduct a job interview virtually. There are also options if a face-to-face interview is essential. For example, you can ask applicants to come to you by providing them with a ticket for public transport. And the office itself also offers opportunities to make green statements. For example, by not brewing coffee from environmentally harmful capsules, or by using natural consumables and furniture, recycled containers, etc. to give a credible impression of the company's sustainable strategy. 

salesjob: the green recruiter in sales

As experienced headhunters for sales executives, the experts at salesjob are confronted with developments in the candidate market daily. Based on this and what has been said above, it is a safe bet to predict that green recruiting is not a short-term trend, but will continue to grow in importance over the long term. In this sense, salesjob guarantees its clients maximum sustainability in their personnel search. In other words, without written applications

We are happy to provide more information on your advantages through a direct search with salesjob in a personal consultation.

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